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    Password rotation for scmadmin/scmviewer

    Hello , As per Valeo security standard, we would like to enforce following for accounts stored in application. - Minimum password length as 14 - Password requires mixed ...
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    Option to export artifact changelog

    We get more and more customers within NXP requesting an export functionality of the changelog of Artifacts (and all artifacts within a tracker). The changelog overview is ...
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    document folder reorder

    At present we cant reorder subfolders inside the documentation section, reorder option is there but its not working, some user wants to reorder the sub folder in ...
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    Possibility to create fields like "Estimated Effort"

    We have various customers requestion the possibility to create multiple fields like the "Estimated Effort" field (Configurable Text field) alongside the followup fields ...
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    Default Reports should have option to chance column / line-colors

    We get various remarks from customers that would like to have options to choose the colors of columns and lines (for example: Status Distribution by Area/Group)
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    Artifact update comment section option

    Is there a way to switch between text mode vs non text mode (i.e html) during comment entry, if possible. It should be a warning notification, that items inside the ...
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    Teamforge association email donot contain tracker name

    Enhancement request from NXP enduser on tracker artifact association email notification. I use filters in outlook to move emails from collabnet to folders based on ...
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    SVN logging request

    In order to support audit activities, we need to be able to see details of when SVN repositories were created, modified, and / or deleted and by whom. This functionality ...
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    Ordering of tracker saved filters and column configurations

    When new filter settings, or column configurations are saved they are added to the bottom of the list. These are not available without scrolling if there are more than 4 ...
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    Document place holder without a file

    At present to create a document (which is an MS Word file) you have to upload the file when you create the Teamforge document entry. Our documents need a reference (which ...
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    Teamforge - Select all documents in a folder

    There are operations which may need to be done on all documents in a document folder. At the moment you have to select each individual document in turn to select all of ...
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    OSLC Capability for Teamforge

    Are there any plans to implement OSLC capabilities for Teamforge . Mainly to be the interface for integrations with other systems or tools ? Or is there a plan to build a ...
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    Disable e-mail for single tracker

    Hi, We have several use-cases within NXP where project admins modify a tracker and all people monitoring the artifacts are getting an e-mail when this happens. We ...
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    Cloning artifact with Workflow

    NXP needs the clone artifact action needs to be differentiated from the default Create Artifact action. The multiple users from NXP has reported that they create trackers ...
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    Close document review

    Hi Team, Currently, only review initiators, project admin and document admin can only able to close a document review. Though the user has a document admin permission, ...
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    Multiple parent artifact dependencies

    NXP user would like to have an option to add multiple parent artifacts as dependencies for child artifact Currently , we have an option to add only one parent artifact ...
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    Select Fields having the option of selecting Multiple Parent Fields

    Currently Select / Multiselect fields can only have 1 parent field. We'd like to know if it would be possible to have multiple parent fields for a Single or Multiselect ...
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    Teamforge Database Encryption

    Teamforge database should be encrypted and still work with the application. Also there should be a setting or token modification available, so that it would handle that. ...
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    Copy artifact link and title

    When I open a tracker artifact, I can press the button "copy link" to copy the link to the artifact in my clipboard (which is a really good function). When I paste such ...
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    date picker field is not accepting copy paste of date

    In a tracker artifact, when we tried to copy-paste the next date in a particular date field it's not working properly. We have to click the option manually ">" to ...