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    Make "User role matrix" exportable

    For automotive Spice assessments, we need to document which roles are staffed in the project. This is covered by the admin view "User role matrix". Can you make this view ...
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    Adapt Summary view to filters currently used

    A user has an idea for the "summary" in the tracker of planning folder table view : Actually, it is static and displays the data of the artifacts which are in the table, ...
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    Help text when "Validate Text Entries in a Tracker Artifact" doesn't ...

    For text fields in the tracker definition, the project admin can validate the entry via regular expression (which is a cool feature). When the entry doesn't match, the TF ...
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    Improve generic error messages

    Some error messages in TF are not very clear to the user and could be improved: 1) A user follows a link which points to an artifact where the user has no read access ...
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    Compare/export draft baseline

    For a baseline in status "draft", the system doesn't offer the "compare" or "export" function. Actually the users need to check with their "sharp eyes" what will change ...
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    artifact view in file release: customize column view

    In file release I can see the reported, fixed and planned artifact (good!) In the view for these artifacts, I cannot add any column, but I need to have more information. ...
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    Attachment titles visible in list view

    Use case For every bug tracker, it is mandatory in our process to have a test protocol attached after the verification. Currently it is not easy visible if a tracker has ...
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    Allow sub-baseline from own project

    Use case: in My teamforge project I develop several software components, and for every component release I create a baseline which contains only the data for this ...
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    Nexus repository - TF project link information entries in the iafdb ...

    Hello Support Team, Recently we have been looking into the Nexus repository - TF project link information, e.g. which Nexus repo is linked to which TF repository. For ...
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    Forklift exporter update

    Hello, While exporting / importing a project from a platform to another we saw that baseline configuration isn't taken into account. Can you add a baseline export in the ...
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    Make columns sortable in the "Artifact Widget” in My Workspace

    When I add a new widget, e.g. atrifacts, I can predefine the sort column. But when it is displayed, I cannot sort by other columns. It would be great if I could sort ...
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    Define text field as "rich text"

    Currently in the tracker fields, only Description and "Comment Text" are rich text fields. It would be great to have this configurable, that means that the project admin ...
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    Reduce the selection lists of planning folders/file releases

    We have projects which run for several years and release evey 2 weeks. The number of planning folders and file releases gets very high. In some views, there is an option ...
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    Import tracker improvements

    Teamforge has a powerful import function which is great to create and update tracker artifacts. But there are some use cases which could be improved: 1) Imports should ...
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    Edit options of status and maturity field in TeamForge File Releases

    The File releases section currently has a pre-defined set of options to choose from as status and maturity. It would really valuable to have these field editable by the ...
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    Show only mandatory tracker fields for next transitions

    For trackers with many attributes, it is sometimes difficult for the user to find the fields which are mandatory for the next transition.Very often it is a try and error. ...
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    Nexus (binary) CRUD functionality same as SVN Repositories

    Hi, We would like to see the integration CTF -> Nexus expanded that the CRUD functionality can be modified per nexus repository instead of the functionality now that it ...
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    New tracker attribute “Planned in Release”

    During development, the planned release may change. The information about the initial planning gets lost. Therefore, we request a new field “Planned in Release”. It shall ...
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    Add more fields in the "Artifact Widget” in My Workspace

    Currently (20.0) in the My Work space in the "Artifact" add widget, we can select the display of some columns via “Columns displayed” It would be great if the list of ...
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    Show tasks of team subtree

    In the "Task" view, I can filter the displayed artifacts by team (intended behavior). In my project I defined subteams in a tree structure, e.g. Developers/Developer MCAL ...