• Votes


    Wiki site map

    Currently there is no way to create a table of content (ToC) for wiki pages (only a ToC for one page exists). This makes navigation in the wiki not very handsome. Please ...
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    Single wiki page view permission to a role

    Currently in CTF 19.0, there is no option for providing single wiki view/edit permission to a person. We can only provide edit/view access to all the wiki pages. ...
  • Votes


    Single wiki page view permission to a role

    Currently in CTF 19.0, there is no option for providing single wiki view/edit permission to a person. We can only provide edit/view access to all the wiki pages. ...
  • Votes


    Improved portability of wiki pages.

    Improved wiki page portability. Each site has their own wiki. To make TeamForge more efficient, we have to migrate wiki pages. Then, TeamForge's project-specific wiki ...