• Votes


    Default Reports should have option to chance column / line-colors

    We get various remarks from customers that would like to have options to choose the colors of columns and lines (for example: Status Distribution by Area/Group)
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    SVN logging request

    In order to support audit activities, we need to be able to see details of when SVN repositories were created, modified, and / or deleted and by whom. This functionality ...
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    Table report - Tracker: Allow GROUP_BY = Remaining Effort

    For "Table report - Tracker", we need to be able to Group By = Remaining Effort. The use case for this request is that we are currently using this report to plan our 2 ...
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    Datamart association table not available

    Datamart improvisation need to be considered 1. Association table is not available 2. Sum effort logic and data is not available
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    All applicable reports should have the option to inherit planning ...

    When reports can filter on a planning folder, an option shall be provided to include child planning folders. Via this option you can define a report once and when child ...
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    Provide the association dimension to datamart

    Because of some strict limitations in the tracker dependencies (only one parent, pf hierarchy) we use associations for some tracker types. For reporting we want to use ...