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    Link AD group to TeamForge Group

    Add the ability to link an AD group to a TeamForge group. Members of the AD group will be synced with the TeamForge group. This will allow companies with the ability to ...
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    PCK should look to user creation data if there is no value set for ...

    The password control kit expires, disables or deletes user considering only the password creation date. If a user is created without a password then he will never be a ...
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    Administrator needs to edit the message disabled users see when they ...

    When a disabled user attempts to log into TeamForge, they get set to a page that provides the useless: "Your account is currently disabled. Please contact your TeamForge ...
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    TeamForge projects should be archived

    As the TeamForge projects can be less relevant over time, the option is required to cut a project from the TeamForge installation and archive it. Later on this archived ...
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    TeamForge should be always on

    When TeamForge is maintained or updated, the end-users should not suffer from this action. An upgrade should be instantaneous and therefore the application should be ...
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    Tracker permissions should control Kanban board, vs it being in ...

    The ability to create Kanban boards should be moved to tracker permissions, vs being in Project Admin permissions. We would like for our team leads to be able to ...
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    Download logs from the System Administrator interface

    In the System Administrator section under log files, add an option to download the log file instead of opening them up in a browser window. This would make it easier to ...