• Votes


    Tracker Due Date reminder

    When Tracker definitions contain a Due Date date attribute and the attribute is filled with a future date, TeamForge should send a reminder e-mail when the Due Date ...
  • Planned


    Configuration of board views

    We would like to see that we can configure which fields are shown in the board views (e.g. the kanban board). The project administrator shall be able to configure which ...
  • Votes


    Ability to set dependencies/associations by drag and drop

    For more usability, the user should be able to relate tracker artifacts by simple drag&drop action. For example in existing view (e.g. list/plan/track/kanban), if an ...
  • Votes


    Define text field as "rich text"

    Currently in the tracker fields, only Description and "Comment Text" are rich text fields. It would be great to have this configurable, that means that the project admin ...
  • Votes


    Tracker should support read-only option for attributes

    Depending on the workflow attributes should be set to read-only for certain roles. This enables that these certain roles can only see the attribute value, but not change ...
  • Votes


    List view: filter by date range

    Currently, when we are filtering the date type field in the tracker view, we can filter by "Last Day", "Last Week" and "Last Month" which is restricted. It would be ...
  • Votes


    Association shall update "last Modified"

    Observation Adding an association to a tracker artifact doesn't change the "last Modified" timestamp. Issue Users are not aware of new associations, e.g by commits or ...
  • Votes


    Changing Parents of Artifacts

    Add the ability to change the parent of an artifact. On dependencies section, there is an option to remove existing parent and then to add a new one. It would be good ...
  • Votes


    Tracker reports for all planning folders

    See Request #203768 There is currently no way to create a tracker report which covers all planning folders without individually selecting each of the planning folders. ...
  • Votes


    Tracker - Add Associations as a column

    Trackers- Have the ability within the list veiw to see associations as a column
  • Votes


    Multiple parent artifact dependencies

    NXP user would like to have an option to add multiple parent artifacts as dependencies for child artifact Currently , we have an option to add only one parent artifact ...
  • Votes


    Disable e-mail for single tracker

    Hi, We have several use-cases within NXP where project admins modify a tracker and all people monitoring the artifacts are getting an e-mail when this happens. We ...
  • Votes


    Planning folder view shall display "User defined" fields

    Currently, in the planning folder Column configure we can view only the "System-Defined" and "Configurable" fields. We cannot view the "User-Defined Fields". It would be ...
  • Votes


    Improved presentation of help texts of tracker fields (tooltip over ...

    Help texts for tracker fields can be multiline. Unfortunately (for security reasons?) they are displayed without control characters such as line breaks. As a result, only ...
  • Votes


    tracker/planning folder view: "show summary" always disappears

    In the tracker/planning folder view, when I select "show summary" the system shows the summary. But when I select or reselect any tracker/planning folder, the summary ...
  • Votes


    Possibility to add Colors to Select field values.

    Business users seek to add colors to their select fields (similar to the priority field). A lot of our trackers have a user made select field Severity, They want it ...
  • Votes


    Planning Folder end date in artifact view

    I have a ticket with planning folder set viewers of this ticket does not know when this ticket will be closed. So collabnet has to show the Planning folder start and ...
  • Votes


    moving artifacts in REST

    REST does not provide an API to move artifacts between trackers. SOAP does. As REST is going to replace SOAP, it should provide all SOAP APIs as well.
  • Votes


    Filter Kanban board by TAG

    Kanban Board offers filter by Team and the Planning Folder. It would be great to can filter by TAG. Then I can group the artifacts by different topics and check them ...
  • Votes


    @mention should list Full Name instead of username

    TeamForge does support now @mention where mention is the username. But the username can be very technical, e.g.: user123456 The Full Name is very meaninful, e.g.: John ...