When Tracker definitions contain a Due Date date attribute and the attribute is filled with a future date, TeamForge should send a reminder e-mail when the Due Date starts (beginning of the Due Date).
This people are triggered to deliver on time what is requested via the artifact.
In case nobody is assigned an e-mail can be delivered to the project admins.
by: Hans T. | over a year ago | Trackers
We have "Artifact reminders" feature on TF roadmap. Users to have an option to set reminders on artifacts and an email alert to be triggered to the artifact assignee/admin on that date
That's good to hear. Do you have an aprox. date or release where we can expect to see this feature?
Usually, it is too late to remind the user when the DUE_DATE is already reached.
The system should send the reminder earlier.
I formulate the additional requirement, which includes the request from Hans:
1) The system shall notify the user about a ticket which reaches the due date in “x” days
2) The system shall notify the user that the due date of the ticket was exceeded, every “y” days
3) The project manager defines per project:
- due date notification on/off per tracker type
- x = number days before due date reached
- y = repetition period in days for tickets which have exceeded the due date
Here are some additional requirements from Hans
· Users would like to have a due date for artifacts.
· In case the artifact is overdue, the assigned person gets a reminder email.
· Ideally, the project administrator can configure a “lead time” for the reminders in the tracker configuration. E.g. 3 days before the due date is reached, the email is sent out.
· The email is sent every day until the artifact is closed or the due date is changed. Ideally, the project administrator can configure this recurrence per tracker (recurrence: yes/no).
· Tricky detail: We are working in different time zones. Ideally the time zone of the informed user would be used. If a user in the Japan set’s a due date of 30.4. he would be informed at midnight his time. If the server time (in Europe) is used, this would mean that the user gets the email at the end of his work day.
· Ideally, the project administrator can configure a role that is also informed (on CC) about the overdue event. E.g. the Project Manager also wants to know if users are late. So all users that are assigned to the Project Manager role would get the email on CC as well.
We have planned this for early 2020 release
We did implement this in our CTF instance a bit more sophisticated: in our solution, it is configurable per field, when reminder e-mails get sent: at the day of the date, X days before, several times. Also, it is configurable, to whom they are sent: in any case, to the person assigned, but also to members of project roles configured into the field. As the fields have no place to store config, we mis-used helptext.