In the tracker/planning folder view, when I select "show summary" the system shows the summary.
But when I select or reselect any tracker/planning folder, the summary disappears, and I have to re-select "show summary".
The current implementation is quite annoying and degrading the "summary" feature considerably.
It would be great if the system would keep the "summary" option persistent.


  • Rudolf, what charts/reports within the summary view of the tracker list view the users find most relevant or useful? One of the reasons to leave it collapsed by default in this view is to have more real estate to display/show the artifacts.

  • It should be possible that TF "remembers" the decision of the user. So if a user opens the summary, it should stay open until the user decides to close it.

  • Johannes, yes, we can store it within user preferences in TeamForge

  • Hello Govind
    all information there is useful for an overview, especially for planning folders.
    Some users use this to check the planning folder start/end date which the system doesn't display in any list view.

    But the point is not that the view is closed by default. The system shall memorize the show/hide decision, at least for the session.

  • ok understood. thank you Rudolf & Johannes for your inputs.

  • Hi,

    No. Do not store in the settings. That's too complicated to change. Viewing (or not viewing) the summary strongly depends on the context of the work done right now, and not so much on the user.

    Can't you use web cookies or similar to store the decision if the user prefers to have the summary open?
