• Votes


    SSH (public/private keys) authentication for svn repositories

    We would like to use SSH (public/private keys) authentication for svn repositories, just like it is implemented in git already. There is no reason why svn users need to ...
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    Add RestAPI to add / download attachments from trackers

    Ideally, we would submit an artifact number and get all details, including comments in a json format, which would include the link(s) to each file where they could be ...
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    Email format of daily digests are still rich text and not readable.

    Recent version of CollabNet TeamForge introduced the HTML formats that clearly state the diff between fields which make reading the mail very simple. However, this ...
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    Planning Folder end date in artifact view

    I have a ticket with planning folder set viewers of this ticket does not know when this ticket will be closed. So collabnet has to show the Planning folder start and ...
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    To bring undelete tool as a default

    We currently have an "undelete tool" to undelete artifacts, documents, trackers. I would be nice if this feature could be incorporated into core and be used with a gui ...
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    change delete project function

    There have been a few times where customer has shot themselves in the foot by doing "delete" project. Once that is deleted, it is soo hard to retrieve all that ...
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    Multiple parent artifacts

    A tracker artifact should be able to block more than one other artifact. This would be useful for handling bugs and tasks.
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    Cloning multiple artifacts

    Currently it is possible to clone particular artifacts by opening the artifact and clicking the clone button. We would like to clone multiple artifacts at once by ...
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    Support for teams in @mentions

    It would be helpful if all members of a team could be added to the monitoring list using @mentions. To avoid name collisions, a special syntax would have to be used (e.g. ...
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    Have a 'Master' list of tracker field that can be inherited

    We have the case that we want certain information/field to be part of all trackers. These fields contain a rather large predefined list of information (e.g. Customer). In ...
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    Artifact link is missing in the Teamforge email notifications for ...

    Customers and even I have issues with the new email format for artifact emails that come from teamforge (well not that new anymore, but I upgraded customer to 17.8). 1. ...
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    Trackers: Collabnet should create the ability for inline vieiwng of ...

    Multiple teams use trackers, and it would make sense to have the ability to view inline images, graphicss, flowcharts, etc...without having to download the file. Since ...
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    Provide an engine for tracker workflow automation

    Some updates on the trackers could be simply automated if we have an engine to allow us to defined some business rules. The objective is to automate some actions like ...
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    link to file in repository

    Currently it is not easily possible to share/use a link to a file in an svn repository. If the direct link to the svn repo is sent tho share a file (e.g. ...
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    Editing the list of monitoring people

    The project administrator should be able to edit the list of monitoring people. Also removing users should be possible for him. At the moment every user can add other ...
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    set Gerrit settings flag: 'copyAllScoresOnMergeFirstParentUpdate' to ...

    Hello, We found out that 'copyAllScoresOnMergeFirstParentUpdate' Gerrit config flag is set to true by default. This causes that if our feature branch has passed reviews ...
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    Copy of planning folder structure

    Sometimes it would be helpful to copy a structure of planning folders (without artifacts). E.g. if planning folders have been used to express milestones. Currently it is ...
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    Parent attribute cannot have multiple child attributes in tracker ...

    In the tracker attributes configuration, a single-select attribute can be defined as Parent to another attribute to be able to define coherent values. But, once an ...
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    Give the option to a user to request access to project even if he ...

    Currently, if a user does not have any access to view a page or a project but he receives the link in any other way, he gets a generic message "Page can not be found". He ...
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    Remove the restriction of 10 values in filter selection

    Currently, the filter selection in a column in the List Artifact view is limited to 10 values only. This limitation is restrictive and the user should be able to select ...