We have the case that we want certain information/field to be part of all trackers. These fields contain a rather large predefined list of information (e.g. Customer). In order to update this list, I have to update this in every tracker separately being very careful I enter the exact same information in all of them.
It would be much easier if I could define this in one place as a kind of 'Master' field which could then be inherited by all trackers.


  • Do you think the existing capability to clone trackers into the same TF project or external TF projects would be helpful? I understand this still doesn't address some of the concerns like an admin adding a value say to the Customer field and it wouldn't reflect downstream unless each of the trackers are manually edited.

  • Although I think being able to clone trackers is a useful feature this would not solve this problem since this is also about maintaining and updating the mentioned field.

  • This, or a similar solution, is absolutely critical for future of TeamForge.

  • ok, thanks for your feedback. We will consider this request as part of our roadmap

  • It would already be great in case we could see which tracker are cloned from which tracker at which moment in time (should be a standard available query) to be executed by site admin.

  • @Hans, we do have a roadmap level item for TF (long-term) to audit tracker/document settings and we will fit in your request as part of it.

  • This fature would be very useful as lot of operational efforts will be saved