• Votes


    Trackers - Ability to sort by title alphabetically ... the ...

    Ability to sort by title alphabetically: currently the concatenation of Artifact and Title makes it only sort by the Artifact
  • Votes


    Trackers workflow - make a field required based on the value of ...

    the possibility to add custom fields to the Trackers. For example: Creating a Total Test Case Count Impacted field. The idea is for the team to keep a track of how many ...
  • Votes


    Move (cut and paste) artifacts between projects with a target planning ...

    Teamforge should be able to move artifacts to another project when the target planning folder is defined. Use case: Moving a reported bug to an upstream project. ...
  • Votes


    moving artifacts in REST

    REST does not provide an API to move artifacts between trackers. SOAP does. As REST is going to replace SOAP, it should provide all SOAP APIs as well.
  • Votes


    Remove the limit of 30 tracker attributes

    There is a limitation in Teamforge where we can create only 30 user defined fields of the same type. Several of our projects suffer from this limitation, e.g. when they ...
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    Search for text fragment

    Currently in the "Advanced Search" and also in the "Tracker Search", if we are searching for the ticket with the artifact title, it matches only complete words, it ...
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    Allow embedded pictures in description and comment

    When I describe an artifact or add a comment, I often use screenshots. But currently I just can upload the picture as attachment, and I cannot embed it in the descriptive ...
  • Votes


    Tracker Users lists are not intuitive

    For a large amount of NXP Trackers the User specifc attribute Carbon Copy is used. When the user has to enter a list of valid project members is expected. However ...
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    Tracker should support read-only option for attributes

    Depending on the workflow attributes should be set to read-only for certain roles. This enables that these certain roles can only see the attribute value, but not change ...
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    Effort field should support fragments of an hour

    In our WoW the actual effort will be updated by state. Furthermore we have a separate field “Actual Effort (Per State)” that is mandatory to fill in order to switch to ...
  • Votes


    filter for empty custom fields

    At the moment it is not possible to filter for empty custom fields of artifacts. It would be very helpful to be able to filter for everything that is not empty (e.g. by ...
  • Votes


    Tracker: customize ticket prefix (artf, ...)

    Hi, By default, all tickets, in all trackers start with "artf.....". Could you add capabilities, for a selected tracker, to change prefix? Instead of having ticket ...
  • Votes


    Kanban view: add some info

    Within Kanban view, some additional tickets info could be displayed: life duration of each ticket since its creation and even better if it could be possible to show with ...
  • Not Planned


    Tracker Date attribute should have potentially a default date

    A Tracker artifact definition can use a date type. Such a date type should potentially be equipped with a default value to support e-mail submission. Now an ...
  • Votes


    Reparent of child artifact should be a one-step action.

    Changing the parent of a set of artifact is currently very painful. A lot of modifications have to be executed: - remove parent from child. - change planning ...
  • Votes


    hide fields in the tracker artifact

    It should be possible to hide fields in a Tracker definition. Some fields will require a default to be defined. Currently we also use Trackers for purposes that ...
  • Votes


    Association tab for commit: Add Git Repository Name

    In the association tab of artifacts, the link to a commit displays only the project name in the column source. It would be very beneficial to display the Git repository ...
  • Votes


    In Plan view, when the system sums-up hours, it should also display ...

    The project is defined to use for all the artifacts effort calculations 'Hours'. However, in the 'Plan' view, the total hours is not displaying, instead the total point ...
  • Votes


    Search for text in brackets

    Use case My developers use some abbreviations in tracker title to define the component, subsystem or OEM, e.g. "[ME][AND]No signal received from ..." It shall be possible ...
  • Votes


    Association shall update "last Modified"

    Observation Adding an association to a tracker artifact doesn't change the "last Modified" timestamp. Issue Users are not aware of new associations, e.g by commits or ...