It should be possible to hide fields in a Tracker definition.
Some fields will require a default to be defined.
Currently we also use Trackers for purposes that is might not be initially designed for like for tracking risks or even do a complete FMEA. in these cases many of the standard fields are not required and currently we need to make a section "please do not use the fields in this section" which doesn't give such a Trackers definition a professional look and feel.
When a drop down field has only 1 value (in a certain workflow state) it should be automatically filled and it should not be needed to select something
Depending on the workflow artifact attributes can be selected to be hidden for certain users. This has to be permission based (admin can see all attributes).
by: Govind P. | over a year ago | Trackers
This is exactly event based workflow, which most of the competitive product provides. We should also look into state based workflow.