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    A help text for the artifact description field.

    Especially for this free text field it would be important to give hints how to fill it in.
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    Improved presentation of help texts of tracker fields (tooltip over ...

    Help texts for tracker fields can be multiline. Unfortunately (for security reasons?) they are displayed without control characters such as line breaks. As a result, only ...
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    Ability to use system defined fields (e.g. category) as parent field ...

    Sometimes a detailed categorisation is necessary and useful. If the number of entries is very large or subcategories occur multiple times, a child field is a suitable ...
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    List view: filter by date range

    Currently, when we are filtering the date type field in the tracker view, we can filter by "Last Day", "Last Week" and "Last Month" which is restricted. It would be ...
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    Provide "status change date"

    Actually, the system records for trackers the "create date" and the "last modified date". For tracking, it is very important to know when the status changed, but the ...
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    Clone artifact: copy associations and dependencies

    When cloning an artifact, the user shall have the option to - copy the associations - copy the dependencies
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    Clickable time tracking for artifacts

    Manual updating of the current effort is painful and therefore inaccurate. It would be helpful to be able to record the current effort automatically. A solution could ...
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    Reorder planning subfolders in a descending order Z -> A

    I want to be able to reorder the subfolders of a planning folder alphabetically in descending order Z -> A. So that, he is not required to reorder planning folders ...
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    Teamforge Search char increase from 128 to 2048

    I often receive a list of artifacts from my customer for frther processing. I would like to use Advanced Search function to find out all the artifacts status. If I enter ...
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    Burn Down Report enhancements Tracker-View

    According to Scrum WoW, Estimated Effort should not be changed and only Actual Effort , Remaining effort should be changed. So 1. Burndown Chart should show the ...
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    Tracker proxies or similar solution

    ability to see subproject trackers in a master proejct
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    Cross project planning and visibility

    . for example ability to have a Kanban board that includes several projects (project/subproject is a good start)
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    Global tracker settings

    ability to define tracker settings shared between projects, not just cloned. o Alternatively, global tracker field definitions
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    Add RestAPI to add / download attachments from trackers

    Ideally, we would submit an artifact number and get all details, including comments in a json format, which would include the link(s) to each file where they could be ...
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    Planning Folder end date in artifact view

    I have a ticket with planning folder set viewers of this ticket does not know when this ticket will be closed. So collabnet has to show the Planning folder start and ...
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    Multiple parent artifacts

    A tracker artifact should be able to block more than one other artifact. This would be useful for handling bugs and tasks.
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    Cloning multiple artifacts

    Currently it is possible to clone particular artifacts by opening the artifact and clicking the clone button. We would like to clone multiple artifacts at once by ...
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    Support for teams in @mentions

    It would be helpful if all members of a team could be added to the monitoring list using @mentions. To avoid name collisions, a special syntax would have to be used (e.g. ...
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    Trackers: Collabnet should create the ability for inline vieiwng of ...

    Multiple teams use trackers, and it would make sense to have the ability to view inline images, graphicss, flowcharts, etc...without having to download the file. Since ...
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    Provide an engine for tracker workflow automation

    Some updates on the trackers could be simply automated if we have an engine to allow us to defined some business rules. The objective is to automate some actions like ...