Actually, the system records for trackers the "create date" and the "last modified date".
For tracking, it is very important to know when the status changed, but the system doesn't provide a "last status changed date"
It would be great when the system would record this date also.
by: Rudolf W. | over a year ago | Trackers
Rudolf, the system records all transactions on an artifact. The status change date is available in the UI under Comments section as well as Change log. In order to get to the status changed dates from DB, the following query can be used
elect ae.date_created, ae.operation from audit_change ac, audit_entry ae where = ac.audit_entry_id and property_name = ‘status’ and ae.object_id = ‘artfxxxx’ order by ae.date_created desc;
Hello Govind
thank you for the query and the explanation.
But it doesn't help the normal user, because you need site admin to use sql.
The use case is to have an additional column in the ticket list and in the export which shows the "status changed date".
Users like to export to excel and then post-process data via filters, pivot or other means.
"Last Status Change Date" is now available within Tracker artifacts starting TF 20.1