• Votes


    Desktop Client: Upload shall update changed files only

    Use Case: A user downloads a folder with all documents to the local file system. The user makes changes to some of the downloaded documents. The user uploads all ...
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    total efforts per user/category/...

    We would like to be able to sum up efforts per filter configuration. E.g. we would like to see how much effort is assigned to a certain user. At the moment we would need ...
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    Implement a workflow to grant site admin permissions

    hello, We have German customers who request TISAX certification from their suppliers; TISAX is a set of requirements on security management on site and in applications. ...
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    A help text for the artifact description field.

    Especially for this free text field it would be important to give hints how to fill it in.
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    Logon using e-mail address must be supported

    Currently all our users logon using the corporate id. However as our TeamForge environment is getting opened up to more and more users, also customers/suppliers, etc. are ...
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    Export/import baseline definition

    When a project creates a specific baseline definition, it is not possible to share this to other projects via export/import It would be great when TF allows to export a ...
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    Issue tracker plugin for Tortoise SVN

    I would like to see a plugin for Tortoise SVN that shows the assigned artifacts of the user. It should allow to paste the artifact id into the comment. I think this ...
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    Monitor baseline application

    TF 19.0 does not support baseline monitoring. It would be great when Collabnet would implement this feature. As PM or Quality officer, I need information about new ...
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    Provide the association dimension to datamart

    Because of some strict limitations in the tracker dependencies (only one parent, pf hierarchy) we use associations for some tracker types. For reporting we want to use ...
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    Teamforge Search char increase from 128 to 2048

    I often receive a list of artifacts from my customer for frther processing. I would like to use Advanced Search function to find out all the artifacts status. If I enter ...
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    Displays the differences of GIT LFS files

    In Teamforge 19.0 web browser, in the GIT repository viewer, users see perfectly the changes of the files in the "diff-view" of the Change Navigator. But when a file is ...
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    Burn Down Report enhancements Tracker-View

    According to Scrum WoW, Estimated Effort should not be changed and only Actual Effort , Remaining effort should be changed. So 1. Burndown Chart should show the ...
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    File Releases, move packages between projects

    We have lots of projet and reorganize occasionally, we would like to move stuff where it more logically belongs.
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    Tracker proxies or similar solution

    ability to see subproject trackers in a master proejct
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    SSH (public/private keys) authentication for svn repositories

    We would like to use SSH (public/private keys) authentication for svn repositories, just like it is implemented in git already. There is no reason why svn users need to ...
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    Add RestAPI to add / download attachments from trackers

    Ideally, we would submit an artifact number and get all details, including comments in a json format, which would include the link(s) to each file where they could be ...
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    Trackers: Collabnet should create the ability for inline vieiwng of ...

    Multiple teams use trackers, and it would make sense to have the ability to view inline images, graphicss, flowcharts, etc...without having to download the file. Since ...
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    change delete project function

    There have been a few times where customer has shot themselves in the foot by doing "delete" project. Once that is deleted, it is soo hard to retrieve all that ...
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    Multiple parent artifacts

    A tracker artifact should be able to block more than one other artifact. This would be useful for handling bugs and tasks.
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    In Artifact List view, Move "action" buttons to the left side of the ...

    In the Artifact List view, the action buttons like Filter, Columns, Import, Export, Create Artifact, Edit Inline, Mass Update etc, are always anchored to the right. If ...