• Votes


    “Search Tracker” in Planning Folder view shall propose all status ...

    Currently, when we click the "Search Tracker" from the "Planning Folder" view, all the status field values will not get displayed. Instead it will display only "All Open" ...
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    Planning Folder view: Enable "Save" option for "Filters"

    In the current version 20.0, we are able to save the "Filters" in the "Tracker" View. However, we are not able to save the "Filters" in the "Planning Folder" view. It ...
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    Show tasks of team subtree

    In the "Task" view, I can filter the displayed artifacts by team (intended behavior). In my project I defined subteams in a tree structure, e.g. Developers/Developer MCAL ...
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    Add more fields in the "Artifact Widget” in My Workspace

    Currently (20.0) in the My Work space in the "Artifact" add widget, we can select the display of some columns via “Columns displayed” It would be great if the list of ...
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    New tracker attribute “Planned in Release”

    During development, the planned release may change. The information about the initial planning gets lost. Therefore, we request a new field “Planned in Release”. It shall ...
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    Show only mandatory tracker fields for next transitions

    For trackers with many attributes, it is sometimes difficult for the user to find the fields which are mandatory for the next transition.Very often it is a try and error. ...
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    Import tracker improvements

    Teamforge has a powerful import function which is great to create and update tracker artifacts. But there are some use cases which could be improved: 1) Imports should ...
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    Make columns sortable in the "Artifact Widget” in My Workspace

    When I add a new widget, e.g. atrifacts, I can predefine the sort column. But when it is displayed, I cannot sort by other columns. It would be great if I could sort ...
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    Attachment titles visible in list view

    Use case For every bug tracker, it is mandatory in our process to have a test protocol attached after the verification. Currently it is not easy visible if a tracker has ...
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    Improve generic error messages

    Some error messages in TF are not very clear to the user and could be improved: 1) A user follows a link which points to an artifact where the user has no read access ...
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    Help text when "Validate Text Entries in a Tracker Artifact" doesn't ...

    For text fields in the tracker definition, the project admin can validate the entry via regular expression (which is a cool feature). When the entry doesn't match, the TF ...
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    Adapt Summary view to filters currently used

    A user has an idea for the "summary" in the tracker of planning folder table view : Actually, it is static and displays the data of the artifacts which are in the table, ...
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    date picker field is not accepting copy paste of date

    In a tracker artifact, when we tried to copy-paste the next date in a particular date field it's not working properly. We have to click the option manually ">" to ...
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    Copy artifact link and title

    When I open a tracker artifact, I can press the button "copy link" to copy the link to the artifact in my clipboard (which is a really good function). When I paste such ...
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    Select Fields having the option of selecting Multiple Parent Fields

    Currently Select / Multiselect fields can only have 1 parent field. We'd like to know if it would be possible to have multiple parent fields for a Single or Multiselect ...
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    Multiple parent artifact dependencies

    NXP user would like to have an option to add multiple parent artifacts as dependencies for child artifact Currently , we have an option to add only one parent artifact ...
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    Cloning artifact with Workflow

    NXP needs the clone artifact action needs to be differentiated from the default Create Artifact action. The multiple users from NXP has reported that they create trackers ...
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    Disable e-mail for single tracker

    Hi, We have several use-cases within NXP where project admins modify a tracker and all people monitoring the artifacts are getting an e-mail when this happens. We ...
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    Ordering of tracker saved filters and column configurations

    When new filter settings, or column configurations are saved they are added to the bottom of the list. These are not available without scrolling if there are more than 4 ...
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    Teamforge association email donot contain tracker name

    Enhancement request from NXP enduser on tracker artifact association email notification. I use filters in outlook to move emails from collabnet to folders based on ...