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    Possibility to add Colors to Select field values.

    Business users seek to add colors to their select fields (similar to the priority field). A lot of our trackers have a user made select field Severity, They want it ...
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    Graphical view for tracker workflow not visible for normal users

    In "Project Admin" - "Tracker Settings" - "workflow" Button "Graphical view" shows a nice view for the possible transitons for a role. But only admin is able to see this ...
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    Move Apache into a chroot jail

    Initial question raised in CNSC-266546. Today we have deployed several custom add-ons. Based on past CollabNet recommendation, some add-ons are deploying perl or python ...
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    mass download attachments of tracker artifacts

    Actually users need to download attachments of artifacts one-by-one, which is not efficient when having many attachments. It would be good to have a function which ...
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    table report for document tool

    A user would like to have a table report for the "Document tool" in TF. As of now there are only table reports for Tracker and Tasks. Ideally it should be possible to ...
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    Add additional roles when accept user request

    When the users request for a membership in the project or for a new role in a project from project home page, the project admins are able see only the requests by the ...
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    freeze planning folder but remain in active list

    Users want to stop actions on a planning folder (sort of freeze) but want to still keep the planning folder in the "active" list. Reason: Users need to check previous ...
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    kanban board should support hierarchy of planning folders

    I like to be able to select more than one planning folder for the Kanban. Especially I would need to display the contents of a planning folder and all its child folders. ...
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    Trackers - Agile Abilities - Constrain assigned of tiered artifacts

    When creating an artifact, protection from it accidentally being assigned to higher level. Example: if a user creates a test artifact – a constraint to keep it from ...
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    Easier ssl changes

    During an initial install of TF, we sometimes do not have the SSL cert ready yet. So, tf will create self-signed certs which is good. However, it doesn't create a ...
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    Planning Folders Artifacts - Export Functionality - Multi Select ...

    Possibly ability to select multiple planning folders for export. Example: User wants to export both -- sprint 10 from planning folder x, and sprint 5 from planning folder ...
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    Tracker - Add Associations as a column

    Trackers- Have the ability within the list veiw to see associations as a column
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    Trackers - Ability to sort by title alphabetically ... the ...

    Ability to sort by title alphabetically: currently the concatenation of Artifact and Title makes it only sort by the Artifact
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    Trackers workflow - make a field required based on the value of ...

    the possibility to add custom fields to the Trackers. For example: Creating a Total Test Case Count Impacted field. The idea is for the team to keep a track of how many ...
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    Move (cut and paste) artifacts between projects with a target planning ...

    Teamforge should be able to move artifacts to another project when the target planning folder is defined. Use case: Moving a reported bug to an upstream project. ...
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    moving artifacts in REST

    REST does not provide an API to move artifacts between trackers. SOAP does. As REST is going to replace SOAP, it should provide all SOAP APIs as well.
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    Remove the limit of 30 tracker attributes

    There is a limitation in Teamforge where we can create only 30 user defined fields of the same type. Several of our projects suffer from this limitation, e.g. when they ...
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    Search for text fragment

    Currently in the "Advanced Search" and also in the "Tracker Search", if we are searching for the ticket with the artifact title, it matches only complete words, it ...
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    Allow embedded pictures in description and comment

    When I describe an artifact or add a comment, I often use screenshots. But currently I just can upload the picture as attachment, and I cannot embed it in the descriptive ...
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    Gerrit: search for roles case insensitve

    When we try to search for a role in TF->Gerrit->access with the search string "in", the role"Integrator" is not found. It would be nice to search for roles in Gerrit ...