Today the login is not case sensitive in Teamforge when we enable the configuration token ALLOW_CASE_INSENSITIVE_LOGIN .
However the login is still case sensitive in Git and Git LFS.
If people are using Git over SSH + Git LFS over HTTPS and are storing credentials in the Git credentials manager, it can occur that they store the username with wrong case.
It would be good if the login were not case sensitive in Git also.
by: Cedric Q. | over a year ago | SCM
This is not an enhancement request, but just a bug. Please fix as soon as possible as the TeamForge application logon is considered to be case insensitive.
well @Hans I submitted it as a bug and had the reply "this is the expected behavior" (case CNSC-266793) but I agree with you it should work the same for all integrations...
Yes this feature will be very useful
Both Git and Git LFS are case sensitive and we are not going to change this. It is not only about user names but also directories and file names. However, at the moment one can login into both TeamForge and Gerrit using case insensitive login. To use Git, users can (and should) use the case sensitive username that is visible in both TeamForge and Gerrit after log-in.