• Votes


    Added file download history

    TeamForge's file download history is now recorded at the release level. However, the history of each file in the release is not recorded. I want an additional download ...
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    Source code search should be more robust

    We have multiple Git and Subversion repositories across multiple projects. The Source Code ElasticSearch has all of this content indexed. But the TeamForge Search box ...
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    GIT error message: Add weblink with more detailed explication

    When a user performs a push to Gerrit and there occurs an error (e.g. no artifact in the correct format is entered into the commit message), the error message which ...
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    Nexus repository - TF project link information entries in the iafdb ...

    Hello Support Team, Recently we have been looking into the Nexus repository - TF project link information, e.g. which Nexus repo is linked to which TF repository. For ...
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    mass download attachments of tracker artifacts

    Actually users need to download attachments of artifacts one-by-one, which is not efficient when having many attachments. It would be good to have a function which ...
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    Remove the limit of 30 tracker attributes

    There is a limitation in Teamforge where we can create only 30 user defined fields of the same type. Several of our projects suffer from this limitation, e.g. when they ...
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    Nexus (binary) CRUD functionality same as SVN Repositories

    Hi, We would like to see the integration CTF -> Nexus expanded that the CRUD functionality can be modified per nexus repository instead of the functionality now that it ...
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    Create User support for external authentication via SAML+LDAP

    We have different identities using our CollabNet TeamForge instance. - employee (interactive logon allowed) - contractor (interactive logon ...
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    Planning Folder view: Enable "Save" option for "Filters"

    In the current version 20.0, we are able to save the "Filters" in the "Tracker" View. However, we are not able to save the "Filters" in the "Planning Folder" view. It ...
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    Tracker list view with columns of linked artifacts

    Use case Users need to see status and effort of linked artifacts. This is currently very difficult in the actual tracker list view or in the result of a search. ...
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    kanban board should support hierarchy of planning folders

    I like to be able to select more than one planning folder for the Kanban. Especially I would need to display the contents of a planning folder and all its child folders. ...
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    Add an option to the "sql" command in CLI to execute queries in ...

    Just like sql -dm which executes the query in datamart database, we need an option to execute a query in the baseline database from the cli.
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    GIT repository viewer shall support Markdown image syntax

    In Teamforge 19.0, the GIT repository viewer does not display images in markdown syntax. Also when I insert a comment to a tracker, the web browser (IE) doesn't show the ...
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    Graphical view for tracker workflow not visible for normal users

    In "Project Admin" - "Tracker Settings" - "workflow" Button "Graphical view" shows a nice view for the possible transitons for a role. But only admin is able to see this ...
  • Votes


    The filter column "Created by" is not found for "File Releases"

    In file release component when we create a new release it shows the username who has created the release but when we add some new releases to the file which we have ...
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    Wiki site map

    Currently there is no way to create a table of content (ToC) for wiki pages (only a ToC for one page exists). This makes navigation in the wiki not very handsome. Please ...
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    Improve error message when action blocked by baseline

    I tried to change the type of a tracker. I receive "A unexpected system error has occurred" It turned out that the tracker artifact is captured by a baseline. But the ...
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    hide fields in the tracker artifact

    It should be possible to hide fields in a Tracker definition. Some fields will require a default to be defined. Currently we also use Trackers for purposes that ...
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    Keep Artifact Title Visible

    When I open a tracker and scroll down, the title of the artifact scrolls up and disappears. It would be helpful if the title would remain always on top, as e.g. in Jira
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    Datamart association table not available

    Datamart improvisation need to be considered 1. Association table is not available 2. Sum effort logic and data is not available