We have multiple Git and Subversion repositories across multiple projects. The Source Code ElasticSearch has all of this content indexed. But the TeamForge Search box and Advanced Search options don't allow for regular expressions or escaping of special characters.

An example is seeing the usage of Java annotations, e.g., @SequenceGenerator(...). I would like to see all these usages across all repositories. But my TeamForge code search results keep showing me only the import statement, which does not have a "@" character.

I'd also like to have for optional white space in my searches, e.g., some developers may enter
@SequenceGenerator(name=xyz, ...) vs. @SequenceGenerator ( name = xyz, ...)

As a fallback, consider providing documentation on the schema within ElasticSearch so that we can make our own REST API calls to it.

The information's there ... please help us access it.
