In TF 19.0, while creating a baseline we can select only 'Active' version and 'Latest' version in the document section.
But users need the possibility to select a specific version of the document.

Please implement this feature, which was available in the Valeo baseline customization.


  • @Rudolf, can you please provide use cases driving this requirement?

  • Hello Govind
    there is a typical use case for incremental development:
    1) For Release A, system architect creates the document "System Specification" V1
    2) Development team starts development of release A, based on "System Specification" V1
    3) For Release B, system architect updates the document "System Specification" to V2
    4) Development, verification of release A has finished.
    5) Configuration manager creates baseline for release A, and should have "System Specification" V1 in the baseline

  • @Rudolf, thanks for the details.

  • Hello Govind,
    instead of selecting the exact version number for every document, it might be easier if the user selects the allowed status of the documents.
    e.g. if we add only documents with the status "Reviewed" or "Released" to the baseline, the team for "Release B" could keep its documents in the status "Draft".