• Votes


    History of Repository Settings

    When a user edits the settings of a repository the previous settings and the details of the event are not stored anywhere in Teamforge. The only possible way to check who ...
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    Multiple parent artifact dependencies

    NXP user would like to have an option to add multiple parent artifacts as dependencies for child artifact Currently , we have an option to add only one parent artifact ...
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    Disable e-mail for single tracker

    Hi, We have several use-cases within NXP where project admins modify a tracker and all people monitoring the artifacts are getting an e-mail when this happens. We ...
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    Planning folder view shall display "User defined" fields

    Currently, in the planning folder Column configure we can view only the "System-Defined" and "Configurable" fields. We cannot view the "User-Defined Fields". It would be ...
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    Edit options of status and maturity field in TeamForge File Releases

    The File releases section currently has a pre-defined set of options to choose from as status and maturity. It would really valuable to have these field editable by the ...
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    OSLC Capability for Teamforge

    Are there any plans to implement OSLC capabilities for Teamforge . Mainly to be the interface for integrations with other systems or tools ? Or is there a plan to build a ...
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    Improved presentation of help texts of tracker fields (tooltip over ...

    Help texts for tracker fields can be multiline. Unfortunately (for security reasons?) they are displayed without control characters such as line breaks. As a result, only ...
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    tracker/planning folder view: "show summary" always disappears

    In the tracker/planning folder view, when I select "show summary" the system shows the summary. But when I select or reselect any tracker/planning folder, the summary ...
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    Possibility to add Colors to Select field values.

    Business users seek to add colors to their select fields (similar to the priority field). A lot of our trackers have a user made select field Severity, They want it ...
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    Planning Folder end date in artifact view

    I have a ticket with planning folder set viewers of this ticket does not know when this ticket will be closed. So collabnet has to show the Planning folder start and ...
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    Gerrit: search for roles case insensitve

    When we try to search for a role in TF->Gerrit->access with the search string "in", the role"Integrator" is not found. It would be nice to search for roles in Gerrit ...
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    moving artifacts in REST

    REST does not provide an API to move artifacts between trackers. SOAP does. As REST is going to replace SOAP, it should provide all SOAP APIs as well.
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    Have a GUI displaying Source Code repositories by group

    In some projects, we have tens of different repositories (can reach 40 or 50) created. Displaying them in a plain list is hard to navigate for all project members. The ...
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    Filter Kanban board by TAG

    Kanban Board offers filter by Team and the Planning Folder. It would be great to can filter by TAG. Then I can group the artifacts by different topics and check them ...
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    @mention should list Full Name instead of username

    TeamForge does support now @mention where mention is the username. But the username can be very technical, e.g.: user123456 The Full Name is very meaninful, e.g.: John ...
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    Tracker artifact attribute values must be read-only

    When we exchange Tracker artifacts with other lifecycle management tools, we want to have one system in the lead at any moment in time. Therefore when artifacts are ...
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    In Plan view, when the system sums-up hours, it should also display ...

    The project is defined to use for all the artifacts effort calculations 'Hours'. However, in the 'Plan' view, the total hours is not displaying, instead the total point ...
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    Default value within ticket “Description” attribute

    Within tracker, it isn’t currently possible to add a default value within “Description” attribute. Is it possible to add a default value (I have in mind to add some ...
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    Search for text in brackets

    Use case My developers use some abbreviations in tracker title to define the component, subsystem or OEM, e.g. "[ME][AND]No signal received from ..." It shall be possible ...
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    Set artifact fields by commit

    When commiting code changes, [artf1234] can be used to create an association between the commit and the artifact. Additional options should be available to set fields in ...