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    Different types of tasks in Task Board

    Currently it is not possible to have different types of artifacts used as tasks in the Task Board. In other words, only one tracker can be selected as Tasks. ...
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    Allow "Re-Import" after correction

    When I receive an error during "import" of a spreadsheet for a tracker type (e.g. wrong date format) I correct the spreadsheet and want to retry. But the "Import ...
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    Show a summary in the tracker summary

    Tracker summary gives an overview per tracker type. I think it is a good idea to also give the overall sum Change request In the section Tracker->Summary, display an ...
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    Single wiki page view permission to a role

    Currently in CTF 19.0, there is no option for providing single wiki view/edit permission to a person. We can only provide edit/view access to all the wiki pages. ...
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    Single wiki page view permission to a role

    Currently in CTF 19.0, there is no option for providing single wiki view/edit permission to a person. We can only provide edit/view access to all the wiki pages. ...
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    Security: File Restriction feature

    File restriction feature in CTF 19.0 version is not user friendly, and don't support white listing of files. Current feature allows us to list down all the restricted ...
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    Advanced Search: Display or export more columns

    When I execute advanced search, TF shows the results in a list view with standard columns. I need the values of some project dependent attributes. Actually, I need to ...
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    Approval links in emails

    When TeamForge sends an email for an approval request (e.g. user account, role assignment), it would be good if within the email I would have two links already. One to ...
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    Captcha need to be implemented

    Considering the Security requirement at NSE, please implement captcha for CTF
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    Unlock documents

    A user can lock a document in a way, so that even a project administrator cannot unlock it again. Only the user or the site admin can unlock it again. It happens that a ...
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    Swimlane sizing/planning

    I would like to see a tool that supports users to do an agile planning session. Good would be to have something like the Swimlane Sizing similar to shown here: ...
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    Define more granular SCM privileges

    Actually, I can assign to the TF roles the SCM privileges Admin, Delete/View, Commit/View and View Only. This is not sufficient for a role based development with big ...
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    Trackers - Agile Abilities - Constrain assigned of tiered artifacts

    When creating an artifact, protection from it accidentally being assigned to higher level. Example: if a user creates a test artifact – a constraint to keep it from ...
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    Planning Folders Artifacts - Export Functionality - Multi Select ...

    Possibly ability to select multiple planning folders for export. Example: User wants to export both -- sprint 10 from planning folder x, and sprint 5 from planning folder ...
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    Trackers workflow - make a field required based on the value of ...

    the possibility to add custom fields to the Trackers. For example: Creating a Total Test Case Count Impacted field. The idea is for the team to keep a track of how many ...
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    Move (cut and paste) artifacts between projects with a target planning ...

    Teamforge should be able to move artifacts to another project when the target planning folder is defined. Use case: Moving a reported bug to an upstream project. ...
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    Sort "User Membership" in project admin menu

    In the project admin menu "User Membership" I have no possibility to sort the users alphabetically. It would be very helpful to have this functionality
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    Justification when rejecting a role request

    Currently, when a user is requesting for a role in a project, the projects admins are able to "Accept" or "Reject" the request. But there is no possibility to add a ...
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    SCM: show log for all repositories

    To a teamforge project I can add any number of GIT repository. To get an overview about the most recent commits, I need to open every repository which is very time ...
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    Task view: Show dependent tasks from full planning folder hierarchy

    Use case I create some change requests in a planning folder, e.g. "release 01" For implementation I create dependent tasks in the planning folder "release 01/sprint1", ...