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    Implement a workflow to grant site admin permissions

    hello, We have German customers who request TISAX certification from their suppliers; TISAX is a set of requirements on security management on site and in applications. ...
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    Logon using e-mail address must be supported

    Currently all our users logon using the corporate id. However as our TeamForge environment is getting opened up to more and more users, also customers/suppliers, etc. are ...
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    Editing the list of monitoring people

    The project administrator should be able to edit the list of monitoring people. Also removing users should be possible for him. At the moment every user can add other ...
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    Artifact link is missing in the Teamforge email notifications for ...

    Customers and even I have issues with the new email format for artifact emails that come from teamforge (well not that new anymore, but I upgraded customer to 17.8). 1. ...
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    Link AD group to TeamForge Group

    Add the ability to link an AD group to a TeamForge group. Members of the AD group will be synced with the TeamForge group. This will allow companies with the ability to ...
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    PCK should look to user creation data if there is no value set for ...

    The password control kit expires, disables or deletes user considering only the password creation date. If a user is created without a password then he will never be a ...
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    TeamForge should be always on

    When TeamForge is maintained or updated, the end-users should not suffer from this action. An upgrade should be instantaneous and therefore the application should be ...