• Votes


    Add more fields in the "Artifact Widget” in My Workspace

    Currently (20.0) in the My Work space in the "Artifact" add widget, we can select the display of some columns via “Columns displayed” It would be great if the list of ...
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    Show tasks of team subtree

    In the "Task" view, I can filter the displayed artifacts by team (intended behavior). In my project I defined subteams in a tree structure, e.g. Developers/Developer MCAL ...
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    “Search Tracker” in Planning Folder view shall propose all status ...

    Currently, when we click the "Search Tracker" from the "Planning Folder" view, all the status field values will not get displayed. Instead it will display only "All Open" ...
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    “List artifact” filter shall have a checkbox list with only existing ...

    When I want to filter in “List artifact” for "Assigned" or "CreatedBy", the system proposes a selection list with checkboxes with all registered users (I need to type 2 ...
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    Comments section only for comments written by users

    In “View Artifact” in the comments section, every action of the artefact is logged. This is quite disturbing and redundant to "Change log". As a user, I want to have a ...
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    Some Tracker fields can not be made as required

    In the tracker settings we are unable to make few of the fields as "Required" when we try to edit that field for eg "Actual effort","Estimated effort" cannot me made as ...
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    Allow "Re-Import" after correction

    When I receive an error during "import" of a spreadsheet for a tracker type (e.g. wrong date format) I correct the spreadsheet and want to retry. But the "Import ...
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    Show a summary in the tracker summary

    Tracker summary gives an overview per tracker type. I think it is a good idea to also give the overall sum Change request In the section Tracker->Summary, display an ...
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    Advanced Search: Display or export more columns

    When I execute advanced search, TF shows the results in a list view with standard columns. I need the values of some project dependent attributes. Actually, I need to ...
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    Trackers - Agile Abilities - Constrain assigned of tiered artifacts

    When creating an artifact, protection from it accidentally being assigned to higher level. Example: if a user creates a test artifact – a constraint to keep it from ...
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    Trackers workflow - make a field required based on the value of ...

    the possibility to add custom fields to the Trackers. For example: Creating a Total Test Case Count Impacted field. The idea is for the team to keep a track of how many ...
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    Move (cut and paste) artifacts between projects with a target planning ...

    Teamforge should be able to move artifacts to another project when the target planning folder is defined. Use case: Moving a reported bug to an upstream project. ...
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    Effort field should support fragments of an hour

    In our WoW the actual effort will be updated by state. Furthermore we have a separate field “Actual Effort (Per State)” that is mandatory to fill in order to switch to ...
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    Tracker Users lists are not intuitive

    For a large amount of NXP Trackers the User specifc attribute Carbon Copy is used. When the user has to enter a list of valid project members is expected. However ...
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    Kanban view: add some info

    Within Kanban view, some additional tickets info could be displayed: life duration of each ticket since its creation and even better if it could be possible to show with ...
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    Association tab for commit: Add Git Repository Name

    In the association tab of artifacts, the link to a commit displays only the project name in the column source. It would be very beneficial to display the Git repository ...
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    Sum Effort should not round all values

    In our WoW the actual effort will be updated by state. Furthermore we have a separate field “Actual Effort (Per State)” that is mandatory to fill in order to switch to ...
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    Add attachments by drag'n drop

    When I select in the web UI in a tracker artifact the section "Status/Comment", I can add attachments via drag'n drop (which is really great). But when I select the ...
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    Ability to use system defined fields (e.g. category) as parent field ...

    Sometimes a detailed categorisation is necessary and useful. If the number of entries is very large or subcategories occur multiple times, a child field is a suitable ...
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    total efforts per user/category/...

    We would like to be able to sum up efforts per filter configuration. E.g. we would like to see how much effort is assigned to a certain user. At the moment we would need ...