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    Need more fields in the artifact associations list

    In “View Artifact”, tab Associations, the system shows for all associated artifacts the fields Date, Username, ID, Source, Status and Summary. It would be very helpful to ...
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    Make document association mandatory

    As a requirement from Automotive SPICE (SUP.10.BP4) we need to have the traceability between change requests and the changed specifications. Therefore, similar to ...
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    Some Tracker fields can not be made as required

    In the tracker settings we are unable to make few of the fields as "Required" when we try to edit that field for eg "Actual effort","Estimated effort" cannot me made as ...
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    List all tracker artifacts in a single list view

    To get a fast overview about my project I want to see all trackers in a single list view, regardless of planning folder and tracker type. Actually I export regularly the ...
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    Planning folder view shall display "User defined" fields

    Currently, in the planning folder Column configure we can view only the "System-Defined" and "Configurable" fields. We cannot view the "User-Defined Fields". It would be ...
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    Added file download history

    TeamForge's file download history is now recorded at the release level. However, the history of each file in the release is not recorded. I want an additional download ...
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    Add an option to the "sql" command in CLI to execute queries in ...

    Just like sql -dm which executes the query in datamart database, we need an option to execute a query in the baseline database from the cli.
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    Table report - Tracker: Allow GROUP_BY = Remaining Effort

    For "Table report - Tracker", we need to be able to Group By = Remaining Effort. The use case for this request is that we are currently using this report to plan our 2 ...
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    Different types of tasks in Task Board

    Currently it is not possible to have different types of artifacts used as tasks in the Task Board. In other words, only one tracker can be selected as Tasks. ...
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    Wiki site map

    Currently there is no way to create a table of content (ToC) for wiki pages (only a ToC for one page exists). This makes navigation in the wiki not very handsome. Please ...
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    Make "Fixed in Release" multi-select

    Our projects have often several development branches. If there is an issue, it might affect several release branches, and the solution might apply to several releases. ...
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    Allow "Re-Import" after correction

    When I receive an error during "import" of a spreadsheet for a tracker type (e.g. wrong date format) I correct the spreadsheet and want to retry. But the "Import ...
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    Keep Artifact Title Visible

    When I open a tracker and scroll down, the title of the artifact scrolls up and disappears. It would be helpful if the title would remain always on top, as e.g. in Jira
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    Show a summary in the tracker summary

    Tracker summary gives an overview per tracker type. I think it is a good idea to also give the overall sum Change request In the section Tracker->Summary, display an ...
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    Datamart association table not available

    Datamart improvisation need to be considered 1. Association table is not available 2. Sum effort logic and data is not available
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    Single wiki page view permission to a role

    Currently in CTF 19.0, there is no option for providing single wiki view/edit permission to a person. We can only provide edit/view access to all the wiki pages. ...
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    Single wiki page view permission to a role

    Currently in CTF 19.0, there is no option for providing single wiki view/edit permission to a person. We can only provide edit/view access to all the wiki pages. ...
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    Security: File Restriction feature

    File restriction feature in CTF 19.0 version is not user friendly, and don't support white listing of files. Current feature allows us to list down all the restricted ...
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    Advanced Search: Display or export more columns

    When I execute advanced search, TF shows the results in a list view with standard columns. I need the values of some project dependent attributes. Actually, I need to ...
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    Approval links in emails

    When TeamForge sends an email for an approval request (e.g. user account, role assignment), it would be good if within the email I would have two links already. One to ...