• Planned


    Tracker Workflow Hidden fields do NOT stay hidden

    When setup a few status flows where a whole list of fields is set to Invisible From new -> Open grand majority of the fields are set to invisible. This seems to work ...
  • Votes


    Updating version comments of document after file is uploaded

    The current behavior of document versioning is that we cannot create a version comment after the document is uploaded; we can only make the version comment during the ...
  • Votes


    Include global roles in the log

    We would like to include the Global roles activity (like adding/removing users into the global roles, etc.) into the audit entry which will help us on the audit ...
  • Votes


    Https access token for Git Operations

    We would like to http access tokens available for Git operations , Bitbucket and GitHub have supported this for a long time. Note that tokens should be able to be issued ...
  • Votes


    Attachment should be shown as a link in the resulting email

    When an individual uploads an attachment to a Discussion forum that surpasses 5 megabytes, the email sent to subscribers should incorporate the attachment as a hyperlink ...
  • Votes


    Password reset issue for Brilio.com users in code.bms.com.

    The issue of brilio.com users is they are not getting the emails to reset their password even they are active in code.bms.com. we have raised the issue to the team so, ...
  • Votes


    Auto Populate a Tracker Date field in Advanced Transition with Current ...

    It would be beneficial to have the ability to have a date field on a tracker be able to be defaulted to the current date when using the Auto Populate feature in the ...
  • Votes


    "New Documents": "open link in new tab" missing

    When I enable "New Documents", I cannot open the listed documents in a new tab. - the command "open link in new tab" is missing in the context menu - pressing the ...
  • Votes


    Add "Planned For" to Search result view

    the Tracker Search Results is displaying a very limited selection of columns/attributes. Please give the option to add more columns, or at least add the basic attribute ...
  • Votes


    Git pre-commit blocking webhook option desired

    Our users want to manage the git commit themselves. In case a number of conditions are not met the commit should not be successful. Therefore the pre-commit hook for git ...
  • Votes


    Ordering of tracker saved filters and column configurations

    When new filter settings, or column configurations are saved they are added to the bottom of the list. These are not available without scrolling if there are more than 4 ...
  • Votes


    Default Reports should have option to chance column / line-colors

    We get various remarks from customers that would like to have options to choose the colors of columns and lines (for example: Status Distribution by Area/Group)
  • Votes


    SVN logging request

    In order to support audit activities, we need to be able to see details of when SVN repositories were created, modified, and / or deleted and by whom. This functionality ...
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    Document place holder without a file

    At present to create a document (which is an MS Word file) you have to upload the file when you create the Teamforge document entry. Our documents need a reference (which ...
  • Votes


    Teamforge - Select all documents in a folder

    There are operations which may need to be done on all documents in a document folder. At the moment you have to select each individual document in turn to select all of ...
  • Votes


    Close document review

    Hi Team, Currently, only review initiators, project admin and document admin can only able to close a document review. Though the user has a document admin permission, ...
  • Votes


    Teamforge Database Encryption

    Teamforge database should be encrypted and still work with the application. Also there should be a setting or token modification available, so that it would handle that. ...
  • Votes


    date picker field is not accepting copy paste of date

    In a tracker artifact, when we tried to copy-paste the next date in a particular date field it's not working properly. We have to click the option manually ">" to ...
  • Votes


    Copy artifact link and title

    When I open a tracker artifact, I can press the button "copy link" to copy the link to the artifact in my clipboard (which is a really good function). When I paste such ...
  • Votes


    Make "User role matrix" exportable

    For automotive Spice assessments, we need to document which roles are staffed in the project. This is covered by the admin view "User role matrix". Can you make this view ...