• Votes


    Cloning multiple artifacts

    Currently it is possible to clone particular artifacts by opening the artifact and clicking the clone button. We would like to clone multiple artifacts at once by ...
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    Make "Fixed in Release" multi-select

    Our projects have often several development branches. If there is an issue, it might affect several release branches, and the solution might apply to several releases. ...
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    Cloning artifact with Workflow

    NXP needs the clone artifact action needs to be differentiated from the default Create Artifact action. The multiple users from NXP has reported that they create trackers ...
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    Child artifacts are not displayed in Planning Folder

    When I filter in the planning folder view and there is parent and a child artifact, and only the child artifact matches the filter, the child artifact is not displayed in ...
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    mass download attachments of tracker artifacts

    Actually users need to download attachments of artifacts one-by-one, which is not efficient when having many attachments. It would be good to have a function which ...
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    Remove the limit of 30 tracker attributes

    There is a limitation in Teamforge where we can create only 30 user defined fields of the same type. Several of our projects suffer from this limitation, e.g. when they ...
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    Planning Folder view: Enable "Save" option for "Filters"

    In the current version 20.0, we are able to save the "Filters" in the "Tracker" View. However, we are not able to save the "Filters" in the "Planning Folder" view. It ...
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    Tracker list view with columns of linked artifacts

    Use case Users need to see status and effort of linked artifacts. This is currently very difficult in the actual tracker list view or in the result of a search. ...
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    Graphical view for tracker workflow not visible for normal users

    In "Project Admin" - "Tracker Settings" - "workflow" Button "Graphical view" shows a nice view for the possible transitons for a role. But only admin is able to see this ...
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    hide fields in the tracker artifact

    It should be possible to hide fields in a Tracker definition. Some fields will require a default to be defined. Currently we also use Trackers for purposes that ...
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    Keep Artifact Title Visible

    When I open a tracker and scroll down, the title of the artifact scrolls up and disappears. It would be helpful if the title would remain always on top, as e.g. in Jira
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    Clone artifact: copy associations and dependencies

    When cloning an artifact, the user shall have the option to - copy the associations - copy the dependencies
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    Remove the restriction of 10 values in filter selection

    Currently, the filter selection in a column in the List Artifact view is limited to 10 values only. This limitation is restrictive and the user should be able to select ...
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    freeze planning folder but remain in active list

    Users want to stop actions on a planning folder (sort of freeze) but want to still keep the planning folder in the "active" list. Reason: Users need to check previous ...
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    filter for empty custom fields

    At the moment it is not possible to filter for empty custom fields of artifacts. It would be very helpful to be able to filter for everything that is not empty (e.g. by ...
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    Trackers - Ability to sort by title alphabetically ... the ...

    Ability to sort by title alphabetically: currently the concatenation of Artifact and Title makes it only sort by the Artifact
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    Allow embedded pictures in description and comment

    When I describe an artifact or add a comment, I often use screenshots. But currently I just can upload the picture as attachment, and I cannot embed it in the descriptive ...
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    Tracker: customize ticket prefix (artf, ...)

    Hi, By default, all tickets, in all trackers start with "artf.....". Could you add capabilities, for a selected tracker, to change prefix? Instead of having ticket ...
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    Reparent of child artifact should be a one-step action.

    Changing the parent of a set of artifact is currently very painful. A lot of modifications have to be executed: - remove parent from child. - change planning ...
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    Cross project planning and visibility

    . for example ability to have a Kanban board that includes several projects (project/subproject is a good start)