• Votes


    "New Documents": "open link in new tab" missing

    When I enable "New Documents", I cannot open the listed documents in a new tab. - the command "open link in new tab" is missing in the context menu - pressing the ...
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    Add "Planned For" to Search result view

    the Tracker Search Results is displaying a very limited selection of columns/attributes. Please give the option to add more columns, or at least add the basic attribute ...
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    Git pre-commit blocking webhook option desired

    Our users want to manage the git commit themselves. In case a number of conditions are not met the commit should not be successful. Therefore the pre-commit hook for git ...
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    Ordering of tracker saved filters and column configurations

    When new filter settings, or column configurations are saved they are added to the bottom of the list. These are not available without scrolling if there are more than 4 ...
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    Default Reports should have option to chance column / line-colors

    We get various remarks from customers that would like to have options to choose the colors of columns and lines (for example: Status Distribution by Area/Group)
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    SVN logging request

    In order to support audit activities, we need to be able to see details of when SVN repositories were created, modified, and / or deleted and by whom. This functionality ...
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    Document place holder without a file

    At present to create a document (which is an MS Word file) you have to upload the file when you create the Teamforge document entry. Our documents need a reference (which ...
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    Teamforge - Select all documents in a folder

    There are operations which may need to be done on all documents in a document folder. At the moment you have to select each individual document in turn to select all of ...
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    Close document review

    Hi Team, Currently, only review initiators, project admin and document admin can only able to close a document review. Though the user has a document admin permission, ...
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    Teamforge Database Encryption

    Teamforge database should be encrypted and still work with the application. Also there should be a setting or token modification available, so that it would handle that. ...
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    date picker field is not accepting copy paste of date

    In a tracker artifact, when we tried to copy-paste the next date in a particular date field it's not working properly. We have to click the option manually ">" to ...
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    Copy artifact link and title

    When I open a tracker artifact, I can press the button "copy link" to copy the link to the artifact in my clipboard (which is a really good function). When I paste such ...
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    Make "User role matrix" exportable

    For automotive Spice assessments, we need to document which roles are staffed in the project. This is covered by the admin view "User role matrix". Can you make this view ...
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    Adapt Summary view to filters currently used

    A user has an idea for the "summary" in the tracker of planning folder table view : Actually, it is static and displays the data of the artifacts which are in the table, ...
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    Help text when "Validate Text Entries in a Tracker Artifact" doesn't ...

    For text fields in the tracker definition, the project admin can validate the entry via regular expression (which is a cool feature). When the entry doesn't match, the TF ...
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    Need more fields in the artifact associations list

    In “View Artifact”, tab Associations, the system shows for all associated artifacts the fields Date, Username, ID, Source, Status and Summary. It would be very helpful to ...
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    Show only mandatory tracker fields for next transitions

    For trackers with many attributes, it is sometimes difficult for the user to find the fields which are mandatory for the next transition.Very often it is a try and error. ...
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    Kanban view shall show full ticket title

    In the Kanban view the title is clipped when it exceeds ~50 characters. This is an issue for readability, because our titles often have big prefixes. It would be great ...
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    Improve generic error messages

    Some error messages in TF are not very clear to the user and could be improved: 1) A user follows a link which points to an artifact where the user has no read access ...
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    Compare/export draft baseline

    For a baseline in status "draft", the system doesn't offer the "compare" or "export" function. Actually the users need to check with their "sharp eyes" what will change ...