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    Clickable time tracking for artifacts

    Manual updating of the current effort is painful and therefore inaccurate. It would be helpful to be able to record the current effort automatically. A solution could ...
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    Clone artifact: copy associations and dependencies

    When cloning an artifact, the user shall have the option to - copy the associations - copy the dependencies
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    Provide "status change date"

    Actually, the system records for trackers the "create date" and the "last modified date". For tracking, it is very important to know when the status changed, but the ...
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    Ability to use system defined fields (e.g. category) as parent field ...

    Sometimes a detailed categorisation is necessary and useful. If the number of entries is very large or subcategories occur multiple times, a child field is a suitable ...
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    Improved presentation of help texts of tracker fields (tooltip over ...

    Help texts for tracker fields can be multiline. Unfortunately (for security reasons?) they are displayed without control characters such as line breaks. As a result, only ...
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    A help text for the artifact description field.

    Especially for this free text field it would be important to give hints how to fill it in.
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    total efforts per user/category/...

    We would like to be able to sum up efforts per filter configuration. E.g. we would like to see how much effort is assigned to a certain user. At the moment we would need ...
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    Show effort data by users in planning folder view

    In the planning folder summary page, I see the cumulated effort (est/rem/act) of the related artifacts. Additional, I need to see how this efforts are distributed to my ...
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    Filter Kanban board by TAG

    Kanban Board offers filter by Team and the Planning Folder. It would be great to can filter by TAG. Then I can group the artifacts by different topics and check them ...
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    Protect closed planning folder

    When a Planning folder stage is changed to "closed" it should not be possible to move tickets from and to the closed planning folder. This will avoid wrong changes of a ...
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    Add attachments by drag'n drop

    When I select in the web UI in a tracker artifact the section "Status/Comment", I can add attachments via drag'n drop (which is really great). But when I select the ...
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    Sum Effort should not round all values

    In our WoW the actual effort will be updated by state. Furthermore we have a separate field “Actual Effort (Per State)” that is mandatory to fill in order to switch to ...
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    tracker/planning folder view: "show summary" always disappears

    In the tracker/planning folder view, when I select "show summary" the system shows the summary. But when I select or reselect any tracker/planning folder, the summary ...
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    Association shall update "last Modified"

    Observation Adding an association to a tracker artifact doesn't change the "last Modified" timestamp. Issue Users are not aware of new associations, e.g by commits or ...
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    Search for text in brackets

    Use case My developers use some abbreviations in tracker title to define the component, subsystem or OEM, e.g. "[ME][AND]No signal received from ..." It shall be possible ...
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    In Plan view, when the system sums-up hours, it should also display ...

    The project is defined to use for all the artifacts effort calculations 'Hours'. However, in the 'Plan' view, the total hours is not displaying, instead the total point ...
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    Association tab for commit: Add Git Repository Name

    In the association tab of artifacts, the link to a commit displays only the project name in the column source. It would be very beneficial to display the Git repository ...
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    hide fields in the tracker artifact

    It should be possible to hide fields in a Tracker definition. Some fields will require a default to be defined. Currently we also use Trackers for purposes that ...
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    Reparent of child artifact should be a one-step action.

    Changing the parent of a set of artifact is currently very painful. A lot of modifications have to be executed: - remove parent from child. - change planning ...
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    Default value within ticket “Description” attribute

    Within tracker, it isn’t currently possible to add a default value within “Description” attribute. Is it possible to add a default value (I have in mind to add some ...