A user performs following steps:
1) In Tracker, List artifacts, press "Create Artifact"
> The system offers a page with an empty artifact
2) Enter title, description, but leave empty a mandatory field
3) Press "save"
> Nothing happens. The user assumes that the artifact was created. In fact, the system shows a red error message, but this is invisible to the user, because the artifact has many fields.
4) Press "Cancel"
> The system closes the "Create Artifact" page without any warning. No artifact created.

The user thinks that the artifact is created, but it is not, and all input is lost.
The reason is the bad error message which is not visible to the user.

Requested change:
In addition to the error message at the mandatory attribute, the system shall send a global error message "You did not fill all mandatory attributes. Please scroll down and check the red error messages"


  • I followed the steps indicated above but unable to reproduce the behaviour. Can you please raise a case in SF for Support team to review?

  • I can easily reproduce the behavior using CTF18.2.
    But I fully agree with the fact that this is more a defect than an enhancement request.
    As all successful actions on artifact level are reflected by a green bar at the top of the window, all not successful actions should be reflected by a red bar at the top of the window.
    This will make the usage of Trackers much more consistent.

  • In plans for 19.3

  • This has been implemented in 19.3

  • For reference: artf391665 (Internal use only)