Currently (17.11), the Track view shows only artifacts that do not have parent artifacts. So, it would show User Stories with Tasks as child artifacts. But it would not show User Stories with Epics as parents and Tasks as childs.

This does not make a lot of sense. Even the example trackers of CollabNet propose to use Epics --> User Stories --> Tasks. But when doing so, the Track View cannot be used.

The Track View shall view all artifacts, independently of their dependencies.


  • I do not understand how you work with Epics > User Stories in a parent child relation (dependency). We use only the association between Epics and User Stories as the Epics can not be finished in one sprint (and the User Stories can/shall).
    Therefore it would be great to visualize (more like the Orchestrate in the past) the associations in an view as well.

    I see this request has already the status Planned. Is a mock up available to understand what will be delivered?

  • Epics are planned in a parent planning folder representing a "Release", then the children stories are planned in children planning folders representing the "Iteration" or "Sprint". So this is a very logic representation because most probably an Epic is implemented in a Release while the children User Stories are implemented each in a sprint.
    The problem is that when you view a "Sprint" planning folder in the "Track" board, all User Stories having parent Epics in the same planning folder or even in the parent one do not appear at all.

  • Hans, this request is part of our short term roadmap and we are yet to work on the mockups. Noha's clarification on the short comings within the Task view (earlier called as Track view) is spot on.

  • The requested enhancement has been addressed in TF 19.3