Teamforge has a powerful import function which is great to create and update tracker artifacts.
But there are some use cases which could be improved:

1) Imports should be case insensitive
When I import for a field "Color" the value "red", but the list of valid values is "Red, Yellow, ..." it won't import.
It would help a lot to have the import case insensitive

2) Import shall offer more user name options
For "assigned to" and other user name related attributes, the imported expects the "Full Name"
This is problematic when we import from other tools, because the "Full Name" is not systematic.
Users often fail, also because it is case sensitive.
It would be great if we could also use the "User Name" or the "Email Address" which are unique in our enterprise directory.
The importer could evaluate the column title with some additions. e.g. "assigned to[User Name]"
