Use case:
When I launch a "document review" and get review findings, I need to be able to follow-up these findings until resolution.
I create a tracker artifact for every important finding and link it to the review object (docrxxxx).
This operation is very painful. Having a "clone" with association would help a lot.
Also, I have no possibility in the GUI to see for a specific review object all the associated artifacts.
Change request
1) add to the "Document review" view a button "clone" which allows to create an artifact and associate it to the review object
2) add to the "Document review" view (which displays docrxxxx) a tab "Associations"
3) list in "Associations" the associations, similar to "artifact"
Achieve full tracability for any document review. All important findings are tracked systematically by artifacts. Users have full overview about implementation status of the findings.
by: Rudolf W. | over a year ago | Documents
We do have plans to have tighter integration between Trackers and Documents but we don't have plans to introduce associations within Document Review at this time