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    Easier ssl changes

    During an initial install of TF, we sometimes do not have the SSL cert ready yet. So, tf will create self-signed certs which is good. However, it doesn't create a ...
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    Move Apache into a chroot jail

    Initial question raised in CNSC-266546. Today we have deployed several custom add-ons. Based on past CollabNet recommendation, some add-ons are deploying perl or python ...
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    Create User support for external authentication via SAML+LDAP

    We have different identities using our CollabNet TeamForge instance. - employee (interactive logon allowed) - contractor (interactive logon ...
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    Security: File Restriction feature

    File restriction feature in CTF 19.0 version is not user friendly, and don't support white listing of files. Current feature allows us to list down all the restricted ...
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    Forklift exporter update

    Hello, While exporting / importing a project from a platform to another we saw that baseline configuration isn't taken into account. Can you add a baseline export in the ...
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    Make "User role matrix" exportable

    For automotive Spice assessments, we need to document which roles are staffed in the project. This is covered by the admin view "User role matrix". Can you make this view ...
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    Teamforge Database Encryption

    Teamforge database should be encrypted and still work with the application. Also there should be a setting or token modification available, so that it would handle that. ...